Thursday, 8 August 2013

Dear readers,

Welcome to Kenge and Carboys and thank you for popping by!

Chances are that you have landed here because you are a beautiful dedicated follower (who I do not deserve) of my previous blog but when a young lady is to be a heroine (that blog title really was a mouthful). I hope that you will find the transition to this new blog easy, to help this process I have decided to keep things as close as possible to the original blog in terms of physical appearance just until we get used to things :) So I will be waiting a month or so to unveil the new banner!

Although this blog is essentially the old blog with a new url and name there will be some changes. The major one being that I have opted for a more personal touch. This will continue as I begin to incorporate a lot more art work and photos of myself/things I may be getting up to in my posts.

Regular posting will begin almost immediately, Pages (When calls the Heart, etc.) are still in the process of being updated with new info so please be patient as I get these up and running. I'm also slowly getting around to catching up on my some of my favourite blogs- I have been incredibly remiss. And I am counting on you all to let me know of any blogs I that may have escaped my attention since being away for some time.

Thank you again for all your support,


  1. Ohh! But I loved your previous blog's name! *sniffle*
    Ha. I'm one of those change-hating people. :P

    But anyways. Glad to see you back. :)

  2. I stumbled upon your blog from reading a few other blogs about period dramas and I am now following you here and at your lifet with anxiety and depression blog.

    I have to tell you..... I love your blog address and name!!!

    Here is a post I wrote yesterday that you might find of interest:
